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Pet Obesity Awareness Day!

Pet Obesity Awareness Day! Cavalier King Charles Spaniels come in all shapes and sizes, but sometimes sizes get a little out of hand. That's why on October 12 we recognize National Pet Obesity Day to remind people to keep their pups healthy. We know this breed loves to eat and indulge on snacks, and if we can’t say no to those cute faces and those sweet eyes, their weight can easily get out-of-control. Especially if your pup is a senior, these weight issues can quickly evolve with minimal exercise.

Obese Cavalier King Charles

Purebred or not, pet obesity can cause serious health problems, and make existing problems worse, which can reduce the length and quality of your pet's life. It puts them at greater risk of conditions such as:

· Diabetes

· Heart disease

· Respiratory distress

· High blood pressure

· Cancers

At Cavalier Rescue of Florida, for our cavaliers under our care that need weight loss, the key is mostly committing to a plan and hard work by the foster family in supporting weight loss for them. The ideal weight loss is no more than one half pound per week so the foster family always weighs them weekly on same day on the same scale; adjustments in amount of food are sometimes needed if they plateau in their weight for more than 1-2 weeks.

Cavalier Rescue of Florida(CRF) uses a very simple formula of food moderation and exercise.

· Eat a specific amount of food they get per feeding. They are not on a weight loss food - they are on a regular food (NutrsiSource Beef and Rice)

· Pups rarely get other treats - occasionally once a week a small non-kibble “treat”

· Foster family uses the dry dog food or kibble from the amount they get each day as their treats when they are teaching them commands like sit, stay, leave it.

· Fosters also use positive reinforcement that is not food

· Our volunteers are dedicated to make sure our Cavaliers walk about one-half mile a day - at a minimum 5 days every week

Cavalier being weighed

Here are a few simple checks you can do to see whether your pup is overweight. We know our pups can have plenty of floofy-ness, so maybe try these hints when your pup is fresh from the bath and their coats are wet and flat.

· You should be able to see and feel the outline of your dog's ribs without excess fat covering.

· You should be able to see and feel your dog's “waist”, and it should be clearly visible when viewed from above.

· Your dog's belly should be tucked up when viewed from the side.

If your Blenheim, Ruby Tri-Color or Black and Tan doesn't pass these checks, or if you're in any doubt, consult your vet or CRF for a health check or weight loss suggestions.

Love, the Cavaliers! Xo


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