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Monty . . . a rescue story

Sweet Monty!

First introduced behind a chain link fence - we saved this pup from a chaotic existence of gritty and filthy living: a dirt-filled, muddy backyard surrounded by metal fencing. He shared this “life” with a pack of dogs - both large and small.  

It is these unwieldly circumstances that we think caused him to lose his eye after a ball-chasing scuffle with a much larger dog.   


Even with the simple records provided, there is no way to determine how factual or up-to-date this information is. Monty was despondent and languishing away in squalor . . . It’s so hard to picture this life for our Cavies.

Arriving into rescue with one eye, sweet Monty was flea-infested, jittery, resistant to touch and cried in pain when handled. We don’t know if he was nervous and crying from physical ailments, recoiling from being poorly handled by humans or reacting to lack of human contact. We knew we had our hands full; beyond love, care and affection, he desperately needed medical attention.

Immediately sent for a full medical work-up, we now understood his shrieks. Monty has an inflamed and infected prostate; asymmetric testicles; there are oddly “healed” puncture wounds throughout his body; both ears are infected; and his remaining eye has brownish drainage.

There was a painful lump on his right ear plus his anal glands were full to nearly bursting capacity (likely never expressed) and his whole bottom was irritated and raw. So sad!

Dried and bloody matts were shaved off his body during examination. To spare this pup further pain, during his neuter surgery more matts were removed including a particularly large and grizzly one behind his ear that peeled away with a scab attached! Antibiotics have been started and titers are pending.

In a cruel twist of fate, although his heart is healthy, it is broken. It is unimaginable that any pup, especially our sweet precious Cavaliers could exist like this.

CRF has many wounds to heal, the ones we can see and the invisible scars he carries in his soul.

This pup is two years old. In his short life he has suffered tremendously. Needlessly. Monty is one of the lucky ones to have been rescued by CRF. We are dedicated to providing the best care, comfort, and wellness for all of our rescued pups and many times their needs are extensive. As we rehabilitate this beauty back to health and happiness, his medical expenses have added up quickly, plus he will have continued follow-up visits, specialists and medications.

All hope is not lost, his foster mom finds him jumping up, standing on his two back feet and yearning for love and attention. Monty is asking for your help. We can’t wait for him to enjoy a pampered and adored life that all Cavies should have.

We ask our Angels for their support and generosity as we continue this journey of wellness and love of our magnificent Monty. We hope you can help us with this ask.

Let’s send him lots of love and well wishes as he recuperates with his foster mom. We love you, Monty!  XO  ❤  


We appreciate your ongoing dedication to our mission. As always, my heart overflows with gratitude for all of you, our CRF Angels!

Tracy Baker, Executive Director

For Angels who prefer to mail a check, our mailing address is:

Cavalier Rescue of Florida, Inc. Attn: The Monty Fund

1015 Atlantic Blvd, #109, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233


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